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Academic Probation

Academic Probation


Students, whose GPA falls below 2.7 at the end of a quarter and are repeating a level are considered at risk of not meeting the satisfactory progress standard and are placed on PROBATION.

Students placed on probation, receive a written notice and are given a probationary period of two quarters to progress to the next level. During the probationary period, the student must:  

  1. have a consistent conduct rating between 16-20;
  2. maintain minimum attendance equal to or above 80%;
  3. submit all classwork and homework assignments and take tests on time;
  4. attain a B- or higher final grade, the equivalent to a 2.7 GPA;


F1 students placed on probation, are considered to be maintaining the F1 status during the probationary period and may request to transfer to another institution in SEVIS ACTIVE status.

Students who fail to meet the requirements by the end of the probationary period will be withdrawn from the school.


Students placed on probation may appeal a determination within 7 days of receiving a probation or withdrawal notice. A written appeal should be emailed to the Academic team at academic team will respond to any appeals within 7 days of receiving the appeal.



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