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Class conduct, etiquette and participation

Class conduct, etiquette and participation


Class conduct is an important component of our program. Students receive a  1-4 rating on each point below. This rating helps us with the selection of student ambassadors, decisions on scholarships, on-campus employment, and evaluating situations of conflict. The highest rating is given to our star students who:

  1. Arrive on time and stay for the duration of the class;
  2. Speak only ENGLISH in the classroom;
  3. Respect teachers and classmates, pay attention and be supportive of a great learning environment.
  4. Put the cell phone away and focus on the lesson;
  5. Come prepared, bring completed homework and materials, and actively participate in-class activities.

Students are expected to maintain a class conduct rating between 16-20 at all times to continue enrollment at Approach.



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