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Academic dishonesty

Academic dishonesty


Maintaining the highest level of academic integrity is the concern of every student and teacher at APPROACH. Academic dishonesty is unacceptable in all forms. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • cheating on tests;
  • copying another’s work or allowing your work to be copied;
  • use of unauthorized notes and/or materials during an exam;
  • plagiarism: presenting the work of another as your own in a paper, exam, or other assignment;

Explicit acknowledgment (meaning footnotes or end notes) must be given for the use of another person’s ideas or language. The instructors determine whether an act of academic dishonesty or misconduct has occurred and also decides what penalty to impose. The instructor may simply give a zero grade for the assignment or exam. Repeated or serious misconduct may be referred to the Director, who may impose additional sanctions, including failing the course or expulsion from the school.




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