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Graduating from your program

Graduating from your program


Students can petition to graduate at the end of each quarter. To graduate from a program, you must be a student in good academic standing (see page 10), must complete your last quarter at Approach with a minimum of 80% attendance, a minimum 2.7 GPA, and must fulfill the program requirements as follows:


  • ESL: successfully complete the ESL level 4B, and pass the CEFR test to C1 (“Use of English”, listening, writing, and speaking assessments).
  • TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, and SAT: successfully complete two-quarters of the program and show final score improvement from first full test simulation to last full test simulation.
  • ADVANCED ACADEMIC PREPARATION: successfully complete the two levels of the program (4 quarters).
  • BUSINESS PROGRAM: successfully complete the two levels of the program (4 quarters). ESL TI:  successfully complete the program (two quarters).





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